
My name is Bill, and welcome to Shakespeare Teacher.

This blog isn’t exclusively about Shakespeare. Instead, it is approached with the philosophy that a love of Shakespeare is only the beginning of a life of examination and discovery. This is a blog that documents that journey, and tries to have some fun along the way. The title, I think, has more to do with the author than with the intended audience at the moment.

I am involved with a variety of professional activities in the broad field of teacher education. I only occassionally teach Shakespeare, but that’s where my background and passions lie, and the name Shakespeare Teacher makes sense to those who know me.

The blog will be mostly my opinions and things that I think are interesting. But really, you may think of the whole blog as interactive. I’d like to invite all visitors to the site to leave a comment on any post in the blog, even the older posts. You can respond to what I wrote, or continue the discussion from the comments of others.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy yourself while you’re here.