Thursday Morning Riddle

I start creepy, but blossom when I come of age;
I’m the Madame in opera, and M. on the stage;
I’m the nerves in your stomach, go ask Patti Page;
And in Florida’s ballots, I led to some rage.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Brian. See comments for answer.

6 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Brian Says:


  2. cynthia Says:

    i concur with brian, but what i’m curious about is where the florida ballots come in.
    *scratches head*

  3. Bill Says:

    BUTTERFLY is correct! Way to go, Brian!

    The last line is a reference to the butterfly ballot that many believe cost Gore the 2000 election.

  4. Brian Says:

    “many” = Bill

  5. Bill Says:

    Well, “many” means just about every reasonable person familiar with the details of the story. Even this guy concedes as much, and he can hardly be considered a Gore supporter. (He is, in fact, a frothing-at-the-mouth Bush propagandist, who I reluctantly link to in order to make this point.)

    I do agree with him that a mistakenly cast ballot still must be counted. I wouldn’t want these votes counted for Gore. However, I put much more of the blame for Florida on voter suppression and intimidation, the Supreme Court stopping the recount, and on Katherine Harris.

    By the way, KATHERINE HARRIS would also have been an acceptable answer to this week’s Thursday Morning Riddle.

  6. DeLisa Says:

    I thought I was getting smarter when I was able to solve this riddle. Then A.L. mentioned that she thought it was “an easy one.” Oh well…. :-)

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