Your Move: Googleplex

The Shakespeare Teacher is out. It’s your move.

Today’s challenge is based on the Googleplex feature.  Normally, I provide search terms that lead to this site.  Now, you will.

The challenge is to find a search term that returns this site as the first hit on Google.

You may use quotations marks to narrow the search.  For example, “Thursday Morning Riddle” returns this site in the top two spots and most of what follows.  But in a search for Thursday Morning Riddle (without the quotes) this site doesn’t even make the top ten.

The results can be surprising.  This site is first in a quoteless search for Shakespeare Teacher.  And I’m not even in the top twenty for Shakespeare Anagram, quotes or no!

Entries are due by March 10.  I will return and choose the most creative or surprising entry.

3 Responses to “Your Move: Googleplex”

  1. DeLisa Says:

    I thought this was going to be easy, but it’s hard!! What’s up with Google??? Don’t they know how important you are????? Urrrghhhhh….. :-)

  2. BMath Says:

    a search for:

    leads you right here!

    Where do I pick up my prize?

  3. Bill Says:

    Welcome, BMath!

    Sadly, the deadline has passed. That’s too bad, because your entry was exactly what I was looking for.

    The best I could come up with was “the manacles of Seleucid antisemitism” in quotes.

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