Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a grass trimmed for putting; I’m hugging a tree;
I’m a party where some on the left might agree;
I’ve a lack of experience; jealous, I’ll be;
And I’ve heard it ain’t easy for frogs being me.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Asher. See comments for answer.

3 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Asher Says:


  2. Bill Says:

    GREEN is correct. Way to go, Asher!

  3. Dharam Says:

    I’m a grass trimmed for putting; I’m hugging a tree;
    I’m a party where some on the left might agree;
    I’ve a lack of experience; jealous, I’ll be;
    And I’ve heard it ain’t easy for frogs being me.

    Seeing a gem of a cheerful maxim,
    A taste of life’s greater vim:
    “If I keep a GREEN bough in my heart,
    Then the singing bird will come,”
    I agree it is very smart
    Not to appear jaded or glum.

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