Conundrum: Pic Tac Toe V

In a “Pic Tac Toe” puzzle, there are nine pictures in a three-by-three grid, like Tic-Tac-Toe. In each row, column, and diagonal, there is a common theme that unites the three pictures. The challenge is to find the eight themes.

You can click on each image to see a larger version:

Please post whatever you come up with in the comments section.


UPDATE: Correct themes provided by Annalisa (7) and Neel Mehta (1). See comments for all answers.

10 Responses to “Conundrum: Pic Tac Toe V”

  1. Annalisa Says:

    Row 2 Jones
    Row 3 Drinks
    Column 1 Bows
    159 Betty

  2. Annalisa Says:

    357 Mad

  3. Annalisa Says:

    Row 1 Cartoon characters

  4. Annalisa Says:

    Column 3 America

  5. Neel Mehta Says:

    Bill, I can’t believe you got that much mileage out of the middle picture! And well played, Annalisa. The only one I didn’t see was BOWS.

    Assuming that’s April O’Neil from the TMNT cartoon…

    Column 2: MONTHS (April, January, Oktoberfest)

  6. Neel Mehta Says:

    Annalisa, I put up a Pic-Tac-Toe of my own last week (click on my name for my page), and will put up another later this week, in case you’re jonesing for puzzle solving before Bill provides his next fix.

  7. Annalisa Says:

    I couldn’t get April! I figured it was months, but really wanted to know who that was before posting! Neel, I’ll be checking yours out shortly! I did log on last week, but I’m not great on the Pop Culture scene AT ALL, so there was a bit that was lost on me. DeLisa (a frequent poster to this blog) is my touchstone for that stuff. Back in the day when there was still Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, she would have been my Person to Call if a PC question popped up! Good to be challenged in new areas, though, so I’ll be returning soon!

  8. Brian Says:

    Who is the blond in the middle?

  9. DeLisa Says:

    The blond is January Jones who plays Betty on Mad Men on AMC (my VERY favorite new show – it’s truly brilliant and fascinating and entertaining and thought provoking!!!!)

  10. Bill Says:

    Nicely done, Annalisa and Neel! All is correct.

    The blond in the middle is the lovely January Jones, in her role as Betty Draper from AMC’s Mad Men. Clearly, that would be a useful thing to know when solving this one.


    Top Row: CARTOON CHARACTERS (Betty Rubble, April O’Neil, Alfred E. Newman)

    Center Row: JONES (James Earl Jones, January Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones)

    Bottom Row: DRINKS (Tea, Beer, Champagne)

    Left Column: BOW (Hair bow, Bow tie, Hair bow and bow tie)

    Center Column: MONTHS (April O’Neil, January Jones, Oktoberfest)

    Right Column: AMERICA (Uncle Sam – symbol of America, America’s Sweethearts, America Ferrera)

    Slash: MAD (Mad Hatter, Mad Men, Mad Magazine)

    Backslash: BETTY (Betty Rubble, Betty Draper, Ugly Betty)

    Picture Credits

    Picture 1
    Picture 2
    Picture 3
    Picture 4
    Picture 5
    Picture 6
    Picture 7
    Picture 8
    Picture 9

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