Conundrum: Pic Tac Toe VII
Pic Tac Toe makes its return with a special political edition.
In a “Pic Tac Toe” puzzle, there are nine pictures in a three-by-three grid, like Tic-Tac-Toe. In each row, column, and diagonal, there is a common theme that unites the three pictures. The challenge is to find the eight themes.
You can click on each image to see a larger version:
Please post whatever you come up with in the comments section.
UPDATE: Puzzle solved by Bronx Richie. See comments for all correct themes.
January 18th, 2013 at 8:49 am
TOP ROW: Current or former US Senators
MIDDLE ROW: Current or former public officials who are Mormons
BOTTOM ROW: Current or former Speakers of the House
LEFT COLUMN: Current or former official legislative leaders (House or Senate, majority or minority) (and anti-abortion as well)
MIDDLE COLUMN: Current or former elected officials from Massachusetts
RIGHT COLUMN: Republicans
UPPER R TO LOWER L DIAGONAL: Unsuccessful (Republican) presidential candidates
January 20th, 2013 at 10:18 am
Close enough for government work. Nice solving, Bronx Richie!
Top Row: SENATORS (McConnell, Warren, Santorum)
Center Row: MORMONS (Reid, Romney, John Doolittle)
Bottom Row: SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE (Gingrich, Tip O’Neill, Boehner)
Left Column: Originally WHITE HAIR, but I thought that was lame, so I went with AMERICAN FLAG PICTURED when I collected the images
Center Column: MASSACHUSETTS POLITICIANS (Senator, Governor, Representative)
Right Column: GANG OF SEVEN (Santorum, Doolittle, Boehner)
Slash: 2012 REPUBLICAN PRIMARY FINALISTS (Santorum, Romney, Gingrich)
Backslash: 2012 REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP (Senate Minority Leader, Presidential Candidate, Speaker of the House)