Shakespeare Anagram: Richard III

From Richard III:

O, that thou wouldst as well afford a grave
As thou canst yield a melancholy seat!
Then would I hide my bones, not rest them here.

Shift around the letters, and it becomes:

To unearth late Richard the Third’s gamy bones would teach us, seem to alienate the vastly-followed myth.

No halo was found.

3 Responses to “Shakespeare Anagram: Richard III”

  1. Dharam Says:

    O, that thou wouldst as well afford a grave
    As thou canst yield a melancholy seat!
    Then would I hide my bones, not rest them here.
    O, the man Richard’s death remains would be sought
    north, south, east, west, at a school, meadow, valley —
    yet found left in the alley?!

  2. Bill Says:


    I loudly attenuate the whole discovery of the monarch, as that totally sheds no new useful light on the Bard’s awesome drama.

  3. Dharam Says:


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