Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a bloodcurling blackbird, a kind of a crow;
I’m a part of a popular poem by Poe;
I’m an actress from Cosby who had her own show;
And a Superbowl winner for two thousand oh.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Kimi. See comments for answer.

8 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. kimi =) Says:


  2. Lilah Says:

    You’re RAVEN!!!!

    xoxo Lilah

  3. Bill Says:

    RAVEN is correct. That’s so Kimi!

    And welcome back to Lilah!

  4. Lilah Says:

    I dont ever wake up early enough to comment first, but I still try :)

  5. Brian Says:

    That’s so Raven!

  6. Bill Says:

    Lilah is too young to remember That’s So Raven. It went off the air in 2007!

  7. Lilah Says:

    I’ve been alive since 2006 – bitches!

  8. Bill Says:

    That’s so Lilah!

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