Friday Night Video

Weezer’s new video for “Pork and Beans” is on YouTube, and in more ways than one.

Bonus points for the first one to spot Charlie the Unicorn.

UPDATE: Charlie spotted by Benjamin Baxter.

4 Responses to “Friday Night Video”

  1. Benjamin Baxter Says:

    1. I love this video. I have half a mind to download all the videos it referred to.

    2. Charlie’s around during the final chorus, behind the beauty queen of South African maps.

    3. The way I hear it, this is one of those many songs inspired by overbearing record executives telling the band to write a song that’s more marketable. I should make a playlist.

    Pork and Beans — Weezer
    Sad Songs and Waltzes — Cake
    Have a Cigar — Pink Floyd
    I Wanna Hold Your Hand — The Beatles
    Hard Day’s Night — The Beatles

    Are there any more that I missed? I’m sure there are.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    You are most likely already aware of the Charlie the Unicorn second cartoon, but just in case …

  3. Bill Says:

    Benjamin, I didn’t know about those songs, though the lyrics to “Have a Cigar” seem consistent with that idea.

    You are correct on Charlie. He is visible behind Miss South Carolina when she’s playing “Will It Blend” with generically labeled “MAPS” at about 2:53.

    And Sebastian, I never saw the second Charlie video. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Bill Says:

    It’s funny how there are so many references in here that we take for granted that will be a complete mystery to people even thirty years from now. Imagine people four hundred years in the future watching this video. What kind of footnotes would they need?

    Shakespeare was writing plays designed to be popular among an audience in a particular place and time. His plays are filled with cultural cues and references to current events. I don’t think he had 21st century high school students in mind when he wrote them. How amazing is it then that we still read and perform his plays to the degree we do.

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