Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a pitch where the pitcher puts spin on the ball;
An adjustment control that spans None up to All;
I’m a phone with a keypad; a hamburger small;
And the Indians’ mascot who had a big fall.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Scott Russell. See comments for answer.

4 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Scott Russell Says:


  2. Bill Says:

    SLIDER is correct. Welcome, Scott!

  3. Scott Russell Says:

    was originally thrown for one of these as there is a spinning baseball pitch and a phone with the same name. Who am I?

    My apologies for prose :)

  4. Bill Says:

    After giving this some thought, I have to admit I’m stumped.

    I thought it might have something to do with this, but I can’t seem to make it work.

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