Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a toaster-bound tart; I am Riverdale’s Tate;
To burst open like corn; cause balloons to deflate;
I’m an unannounced quiz; swallow pills at high rate;
To remove a champagne cork; and bubble wrap’s fate.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Asher. See comments for answer.

4 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Asher Says:


  2. Asher Says:

    …or the poor weasel’s fate.

  3. Bill Says:

    POP is correct. Way to go, Asher!

    I almost did this as a double riddle because so many great options had to get cut: pop music, pop culture, pop fly, and – of course – the weasel.

    The first line was originally this:

    I am soda or coke (it depends on the state)

    I changed it, because I like the way tart and Tate play off of each other.

  4. Asher Says:

    Good choice.

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