Shakespeare Anagram: Henry VI, Part One

The president is paying very close attention to an impending storm this week, and by that, I mean Paul Manafort’s cooperation with the Mueller investigation.

Manafort was candidate Trump’s campaign manager in the summer of 2016. If there was Russian collusion, he would likely have been in the loop. But that’s just the thing we know. This cooperation could potentially produce a long list of shady activities we wouldn’t have even known to ask about.

I won’t speculate any more about that, but if Mueller is cutting a deal, he must be getting something in return. What say you, Shakespeare?

From Henry VI, Part One:

Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake

Shift around the letters, and it becomes:

Paul flips: a black portent for a cheat sheet.

6 Responses to “Shakespeare Anagram: Henry VI, Part One”

  1. Asher Says:

    Ha, ha,ha, ha….

  2. Dharam Says:

    You can delete this comment if you wish, but I didn’t see an email address for you. I “borrowed” one of your previous anagrammed quotes for the Anagrammy monthly competition. Along with quite a few about DT, this one by Tony Crafter in the UK seems to be a winner:

    Have you considered entering the competition there? It’s a lot of fun, but beware of the Rude section at the bottom of the Forum.

  3. Dharam Says:

    Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake
    If all the black aspects of a torture happen.

  4. Dharam Says:

    Place barrels of pitch upon the fatal stake
    Setback, not helpful to the fair Arc’s appeal.

  5. Bill Says:

    Welcome back, Dharam!

    I didn’t realize you were the one who sets the challenge for the Anagrammies. I’m very glad to have inspired one of your quotes, though the most recent one you posted pre-empts the one I was thinking of doing next. I guess it was the most obvious choice for this week.

    I haven’t entered the competition, because I like to post my anagrams here, and if memory serves, you cannot do both.

    But I do love the Anagrammy site, and their Hallmarks were influential in my early anagramming days.

  6. Dharam Says:

    Thanks for you reply! The Anagrammy challenge is set on a rotating schedule and my month is September. Please see Eligibility rules here:

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