Thursday Morning Riddle

I’m a uniformed officer; thread on a reel;
To back out through excuses; to pilfer or steal;
To obtain some narcotics; to plea to a deal;
And to secretly sneak an unauthorized feel.

Who am I?

UPDATE: Riddle solved by Asher. See comments for answer.

3 Responses to “Thursday Morning Riddle”

  1. Asher Says:


  2. Asher Says:

    BTW – Am I crazy, or did this answer appear once before?

  3. Bill Says:

    COP is correct. Way to go, Asher!

    After 13 years and 500+ riddles, it’s not hard to imagine me accidentally reusing a riddle answer. But I don’t think I have, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never used this one before.

    Might you be thinking of this?

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